honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.



This morning we harvested blueberries.  There was a shower before sunrise due to a passage of a cold front, and the air had become much dry and cooler than the last week.

Rabbiteye blueberries

Looks like a cluster of grapes!

In the afternoon, we have made blueberry jam for the first time this year.  Today's harvest was about 1,500 grammes, and 1,200 grammes were used for making jam.

It weighed 1,469 g

1,200 g blueberries + 400 g sugar

Low heat for 60 min. 

Heating has finished after 120 min

About 900 grammes of jam was divided into small jars and a plastic container.   

Each jar contains about 100 grammes.  
We tried the jam after dinner with plain vanilla ice cream, and it tasted very good!
Some of the jars will be sent to our friends with plum jam jars we made last month.

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