Today I have made cuttings of boxwood, ivy and Lantana montevidensis.
Box (Buxus sempervirens) had not been so common in private gardens of Japan, however, recently it's becoming popular. I had planted it in the kitchen garden, and I read about box cuttings in the book 'Gardening at Longmeadow' written by Monty Don which I bought several months ago. That is a quite interesting book. He wrote gardening of every month from January to December at his gardens at Longmeadow, England. I felt an affinity with him because he is about my own age.
Cuttings of box, ivy and lantana in small containers |
Watering before sticking into containers |
I really like box because of its beautiful light green color and tolerance to insufficient sunshine.
Boxwood in the kitchen garden |
I bought Monty Don's 'Gardening at Longmeadow' last December via Amazon. Now we can buy almost foreign books online. It is very convenient, isn't it?
An article about box cuttings. It's well illustrated and easy to understand.
Ivy is another evergreen ornamental plant, and it has a many varieties of colors. I read about ivy cuttings in the August issue of Gardeners World.
An article in August issue of Gardeners World. |
In addition to two plants above, I made lantana cuttings. This Lantana montevidensis in our garden was brought up from a cutting. In this summer, it flowers less than usual because of unusual weather; more rain and less sunshine.
Monty Don氏の庭のボックスの病気についてはGardeners World誌で読みました。
Gooff Hamiltonさんの本、早速アマゾンで探してみます。ありがとうございました。