Fukuoka Mitsukoshi British Fair is being held now.
Advertisement of the fair was on a double decker London bus
running on the main street of Fukuoka city.
running on the main street of Fukuoka city.
福岡三越の英国展がいま開催中です. 福岡のメインストリートを走るロンドンの二階建てバスに その広告が貼られています. |
Mitsukoshi department store in Fukuoka Tenjin |
At the entrance of the fair,
a mini-English garden is displayed.
英国展の入り口には 小さなイングリッシュガーデンが作られています |
There were a number of interesting goods,
and it is enjoyable to have a look around.
たくさんの興味深い商品があって、 見て回って楽しめます |
Spode Blue Italian |
Delicate porcelain dolls |
Bespoke chopping boards |
This is not made in UK, but in Japan. |
Pele-mele by Liberty print |
A pop-up book of Peter Rabbit |
Every foods and alcoholic beverages look appetizing.
食べ物やお酒、どれもおいしそうです |
We bought several goods,
and enjoyed drinking.
いくつかの買い物をして お酒も味わいました |
One of the VERY old buses. Beautifully modern now and almost unrecognisable to the old ones.