Here's a beautiful sunrise from yesterday.
My wife and I started gardening in Fukuoka (Japan) in 2003. There was nothing but muddy clayey sloping land. At the beginning we made several structure such as steps and paths, and planted turf, fruit trees, roses, herbs etc. In 2010, we visited several famous English gardens, including Sissinghurst Castle Garden, Mottisfont Abbey Garden and Hidcote Manor Garden. We were shocked by the glory of those gardens. Since then, we have been trying to make small but glorious gardens by ourselves.
Here's a beautiful sunrise from yesterday.
Wet from the rain, the stems of dogwood have turned bright red and yellow.
Red and yellow dogwood were planted eight years ago, and they grew slowly but steadily and have become gorgeous. I prune them short almost at the ground level in spring.
Pruned stems can be left in the ground to sprout.
赤と黄色のミズキは8年前に植えたものですが、ゆっくりですが着実に成長し、華やかになりました。 春には、ほぼ地際で短く剪定しています。
I keep killifish in the bathtub pool. The original black killifish did not survive, but the white killifish did. There is always a generational change and most of them are small ones now.
Spring flowering bulb plants are sprouting in the garden.
Snowflakes, bluebells, tulips, etc.
Some bulbs I don't know what they are.
The days are getting longer in the evenings, and it feels like spring is slowly approaching!
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Snowflake |
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Unknown (Daffodil Tete A Tete ?) |
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Tulip |
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Daffodil |
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Bluebell |
I recently planted some seedlings of spring blooming plants in the potager for April and May; Echium vulgare, asperula and corn poppy. First two were planted in the raised beds, and the last one was planted in the border and the dahlia bed. I can't wait for spring when the blue and red flowers bloom!
4月から5月の春咲き植物の苗をポタジェに最近植え付けました. エキウムブルガレ、アスペルラ、そしてヒナゲシです. 最初の二つはレイズドベッドに、最後のはボーダーとダリアの花壇に植えました. 青い花と赤い花が咲く季節が待ち遠しいです.
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Echium vulgare |
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Asperula |
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Seedlings were planted under the broccoli |
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Corn poppy |
I looked online for an obelisk to train climbing roses, but I couldn't find a nice one. So I decided to make one myself. The height is about 2 meters.
On top of the obelisk, I placed a bronze statue of Artemis.
(When we were young, Artemis must have made you reject me.)
バラを誘引するオベリスクをネットで探しましたが、素敵なものが見つかりませんでした. それで、自分で作ることにしました. 高さは約2メートルです。
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A potted Rosa 'Excelsa' trained to a small obelisk. 小さなオベリスクに誘引された鉢植えバラのエクセルサ |
The process of obelisk making can be seen here.
It's been colder than usual this winter and I haven't been able to make as much progress as I would like in my garden, but the increase in the number of new corona cases and the declaration of a state of emergency have made me feel a little down. So, I'd like to remember the beautiful garden of last year's early summer and get motivated for this year's open garden. Please take a look at the videos.
この冬は例年より寒いこともあり、庭仕事も思うように進んでいないところに、新型コロナの患者の増加と緊急事態宣言が発令されて、ちょっと元気をなくしそうなこの頃です. そこで、去年の初夏の美しかった庭を思い出して、ことしのオープンガーデンに向けてやる気を出したいと思います. どうぞ動画をご覧ください.
Brown-eared bulbuls come and eat black berries of Mame-tsuge (Ilex crenata 'Convexa') these days in our garden. Brown-eared bubuls are resident birds and love nectar and berries. They were eating red berries of the Christmas Holly until recently but they ate them up.
ヒヨドリが最近庭に来てマメツゲの黒い実を食べています. ヒヨドリは留鳥で、蜜や木の実が好物です。先日まではクリスマスホリーの赤い実を食べていましたが、食べ尽くしていました.