honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.




Mexican marigold is a perennial plant with bright yellow flowers in early winter. It can be easily propagated by cuttings. It is a valuable plant in a season when flowers are scarce. 

Another characteristic is its strong fragrance. The sweet scent of the plant can be smelled when passing by. The flowers do not last long when cut, and their strong fragrance makes them unsuitable for indoor display. 

レモンマリゴールドは初冬に鮮やかな黄色い花をつける多年草です. 容易に挿し木で増やすことができます. 花が少なくなる季節に咲く貴重な植物です. 

もう一つの特徴はその強い香りです. ちょっとそばを通るだけで、甘い香りが漂います. 切り花にすると花もちが悪く、強い香りもあるため、室内に飾って楽しむのには向きません. 

Trailing abutilon has been trained to the welded wire fence, which have been flowering since summer. The yellow petals have fallen off but the red calyxes remain, giving the plant a lovely appearance of a series of small red lanterns. 

溶接金網の柵にはウキツリボクを誘引していますが、夏からずっと花をつけています. 黄色い花びらは散っても、赤いガクが残るので、小さな赤い提灯が連なっているようで、可愛らしく見えます. 

At the end of the garden there is a Camellia sasanqua, which is now in full bloom. It is also a flower of early winter, and the ground is covered with its pink petals. 

庭の端っこにはサザンカの木があり、今は満開です. サザンカも初冬の花で、木の下にはピンクの花びらがたくさん敷きつめられます. 

This is a beautiful early winter scene with the autumn leaves of the Japanese maple tree. 


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