Water in a little fountain, a bath tub pool and a bird bath in our garden froze this morning. This was the first freezing this season. It was partly sunny but very cold today.
小さな噴水、風呂桶の池、そしてバードバスでは今朝氷が張っていました. 今シーズンの初氷でした. ときどき晴れの天気でしたがとても寒い日でした.
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My wife and I started gardening in Fukuoka (Japan) in 2003. There was nothing but muddy clayey sloping land. At the beginning we made several structure such as steps and paths, and planted turf, fruit trees, roses, herbs etc. In 2010, we visited several famous English gardens, including Sissinghurst Castle Garden, Mottisfont Abbey Garden and Hidcote Manor Garden. We were shocked by the glory of those gardens. Since then, we have been trying to make small but glorious gardens by ourselves.
Water in a little fountain, a bath tub pool and a bird bath in our garden froze this morning. This was the first freezing this season. It was partly sunny but very cold today.
小さな噴水、風呂桶の池、そしてバードバスでは今朝氷が張っていました. 今シーズンの初氷でした. ときどき晴れの天気でしたがとても寒い日でした.
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Dwarf mini-tomato 'Tumbling Tom Red' was covered with plastic since late November and we had been picking red fruits. It became much colder, and we pulled whole plant up and harvested red and green fruits. Green fruits will be stored in a warm place, and become partly red.
矮性トマトのタンブリングトムレッドは11月の下旬からビニールで覆って、赤い実を採ってきましたが、さらに寒くなったので、掘り上げて赤い実も青い実も一緒に収穫しました. 青い実は暖かいところに置いておいて、そこそこ赤くなるます.
Addendum (31 Jan)
Fruits of lemon has turned to yellow, and its time for picking.
About fifty fruits were picked, some of which are used for making lemonade and lemon curd.
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Lemon (bottom) and Mexican marigold (top) 下にレモン、上はレモンマリゴールド |
We planted potato 'Andes Red' in September, and harvested it.
It was about 5kg.
Its leaves were shredded and thrown in the compost bin.
We throughly cut asparagus stems and leaves, too.
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Was this a bulbil of potato? これってジャガイモのむかご? |
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A potted conifer, which we used as a Christmas tree, was placed in a raised bed. クリスマスツリーに使った鉢植えのコニファーはレイズドベッドに戻しました. |
Nigi-no-hama is a 6-kilometer-long arch-shaped sandy beach, and has been selected as one of the 100 best beaches for white sand and green pines in Japan. On the beautiful coastline, which is crowded with surfers throughout the four seasons, the scene of the Mongolian invasion in the NHK historical drama "Hojo Tokimune" was filmed. The beach is very close to our house, and one day of the last week I visited there and walk along the beach for a while because of beautiful weather except for the cold wind.
In the fall of 2012, the coastal forest of Nigi-no-hama was devastated by the pine dieback. All of the damaged trees were cut down, and the landscape was dramatically changed. Since then, seedlings have been planted and young trees are growing.
2012 年秋のマツ枯れにより幣の浜の海岸林は壊滅的被害を受け,被害木がすべて伐採されて景観が劇変しました.その後、苗木の植え付けが行われて、幼木が育ってきています。
Fatsia japonica is distributed in the southwestern part of Japan. It is an evergreen shrub, growing to a height of 2 - 5 meters. Flowering season is in late autumn (October-December), and the spherical inflorescences are clustered at the end of the stem to form a large conical inflorescence. It has started to flower in our garden.
八手(学名: Fatsia japonica)は日本の南西部に分布しています. 常緑の低木で、高さは2 - 5メートルほどになります. 花期は晩秋(10 - 12月)で、茎の先に球状の散形花序がさらに集まって大きな円錐花序をつくります. うちの庭でその花が咲き始めました.