honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.



At the end of February, we are going to plant seed potatoes in two triangular beds of the potager.  So, we have prepared the beds for it.

At first, we dug out Swiss chard, lettuce and cauliflower by using two shovels, and re-planted them into felt-made containers.  Then, soil in the beds was sieved to remove remnants of veg, such as roots, and larvae of insects.

Finally, we added lime to the soil and mixed.  This concludes preparing soil in beds.

Another preparation is chitting seed potatoes to sprout before planting.  We already bought seed potatoes with sprouting buds.  So, we are ready to plant potatoes!





There were vegs planted in the two triangular beds. 

Digging up Swiss chard

Digging up cauliflower 

Re-planting cauliflower into a felt container

Felt containers filled with Swiss chard

Swiss chard is a biennial, meaning it will grow back a second year and then set seed. It’s not neccessary to pull it out the first year as it will come back.  

Sieving the soil

Added lime, and mixed

Two triangular beds ready for planting potatoes

We planted  'Kita Akari' and 'Grand Pechka' last year.  We'll challenge 'Haruka' this time.


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