honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.


Praying for Their Happiness in the Next Life (ご冥福をお祈りします)

In the morning we heard the very sad news that the Japanese hostage Kenji Goto was murdered by the Islamic State.  We really mourn his death.

And I'm sorry to hear that English actress Geraldine McEwan had died, aged 82.
I have found the news on MSN just after I enjoyed her TV drama 'Agatha Christie's Miss Marple: The Moving Finger' with my wife this afternoon.  We really shocked to hear that she died.

そして、イギリスの女優ジェラルディン・マクイーワンさんが82歳で亡くなっていたと知り、とても残念です。 今日の午後アガサクリスティーのミス・マープルの「動く指」を家内と一緒にみたばかりでしたが、イギリスのMSNのホームページでたまたま訃報を知りました。彼女の死も私たち二人にはたいへんショックです。)


© AP Geraldine McEwan as Agatha Christie's spinster sleuth Miss Marple

1 comment:

  1. I can promise you that people all over the world share in your sadness at the murder of Kenji Goto. Humanity is diminished by such horror.


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