honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.




In September, there was an increase in the number of paper wasps in the garden and we had been stung by them. I found a large hive in a Rosa banksiae bush and removed it while the wasps were away. I was a little relieved that the wasps would now go away.

However, I found nearly 30 wasps congregating on a garden room wall a few metres from where the hive was. At first I thought they were hornets, but on closer inspection they appeared to be paper wasps. A quick search on the internet revealed that this phenomenon is seen with this wasps.

I thought it would be dangerous to my garden work and to my neighbours to leave them there, so I decided to exterminate them with a powerful insecticide spray. We were told that it was less dangerous at night because the bees were less active, so we did it about two hours after sunset. This is a relief.




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