honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.



Last May, I read about asparagus in the book "Gardening at Longmeadow" written by Monty Don.  He wrote '...A good bed should hast a generation.  It is a vegetable for the long haul.  ... Like new potatoes, peas or sweetcorn, asparagus is one of those harvests that diminishes in quality almost by the minute...'  This reminded me that skin of asparagus was sometimes very hard to eat.  I thought that it must have been old.

So I decided to grow asparagus in our potager, and bought young pot seedlings in June, and plant them in a pentagonal bed.

I bought six pot seedlings for one pound each.  
Asparagus pot seedlings were planted in June.  
Asparagus seedlings grew and I realized that it is possible to grow asparagus in our potager.  So, I ordered large bare root asparagus plants at an online shop.  Last week, four green-colour plants and two purple-colour plants were sent to us.  So, I planted six bare root plants last weekend.

They were planted in two pentagonal beds.  Before planting them, we digged up all plants in the beds; Silene flower seedlings, allium tubes, and young asparagus and, in order to make the soil well-drained, added grit, as well as compost and manure.

Decembere 2014

After preparing the soil in beds, I digged holes 40cm deep and planted them.

Two green plants and one purple plant in each bed.  

Young asparagus seedlings were also re-planted with flowers.  Supporting wire mesh were set on  iron rods with blue spherical cane toppers on them.

We are looking forward to harvesting fresh asparagus and eating it in spring!

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