The typhoon (#11) had gone across the western part of Japan to the Sea of Japan Thursday night. It was a big strong typhoon with the barometric pressure of 960 hpa at the time of its strike to Shikoku Island. The typhoon passed about 300 km away from our area.
On Friday morning, something was wrong with the arch of Rosa 'François Juranville' at the south end of our garden when I saw it from the house window. We went to check it, and we found that the arch was collapsed. Strong wind and rain was supposed to have made it broken.
The arch was made of reinforcing iron rods and was supported by the thick branch of the tree on the east side (the left side on the photo below). The branch was found snapped off.
So, I fixed the arch this afternoon. Six two-meter-long reinforcing iron rods were stuck in the ground for the base of the arch, and they were fixed by using aluminum wire. The size of the arch became smaller, and it may be convenient to prune the rose in winter.
This photo was shot two weeks before the typhoon attack. The arch was intact.
(これは台風襲来の2週間前の写真で、アーチは特に変わりありませんでした) |
The wild lily (Lilium lancifolium) had started to bloom beside the arch a couple of days before the attack.
(野生のユリがアーチのそばで咲き始めていた、襲来2日前です) |
Friday morning, the arch was collapsed.
(金曜日の朝、アーチが崩壊していました。) |
The collapsed arch seen from behind.
(反対側からみた崩壊したアーチ) |
This afternoon, I fixed the arch. The collapsed arch blocked the path to the new garden.
(今日の午後、アーチの修理をしました。崩壊したアーチが新しい庭への園路をふさいでいます。) |
The arch with rose branches was temporally supported by a stepladder.
(バラの枝とアーチを一時的に脚立で支えています。) |
I made a base of the arch using six steel rods, and coupled the arch on the base. The size of the arch became smaller than it was before, however, I can easily go through the arch to the new garden.
(鉄筋の棒を使ってアーチの基礎を作り、アーチと基礎を連結しました。以前よりアーチの大きさは小さくはなりましたが、容易にくぐりぬけて新しい庭へいくことができます。) |