honey suckle

honey suckle


 夫婦で庭づくりを福岡の郊外で2003年に始めました. 赤土むきだしの斜面にまず階段や園路をつくって芝をはり、果樹やバラ、ハーブなどを植えました.




The main pest on boxwood is the larvae of the boxwood pyralid (Glyphodes perspectalis).  Adults lay eggs and larvae feed on the leaves several times from spring to autumn. Most feeding damage occurs on young leaves of newly emerged branches. Severe damage can be avoided if the signs are spotted early and dealt with appropriately. 

西洋ツゲにつく主な害虫はツゲノメイガの幼虫です. 春から秋にかけて数回、成虫が産卵して葉の食害が発生します. 食害の大半は新しく出た枝の若葉で起こります. その兆候を早期に見つけて、適切に対処するとひどい被害は免れます. 

The first step in pest control is to spot larval infestations early. Damaged leaves are relatively easy to spot. A few young leaves are attached to each other by a thin thread, like spider silk, in which the small caterpillars can be found. When the caterpillars grow a little larger, they move towards the base of the stems and continue feeding in areas that are difficult to see from the surface. 

害虫駆除の最初のステップは、幼虫の発生を早めに見つけることです. 食害された葉は比較的容易にみつけることができます. 数枚の若葉が蜘蛛の糸のような細い糸でくっついていて、その中に小さな芋虫を見つけることができます. 芋虫が少し大きくなると、枝葉の基部のほうへ移動して表面からは分かりにくいところで食害を続けます. 

The best way to prevent damage from this caterpillar is to prune young leaves frequently. Adults prefer to lay their eggs on young leaves, so they are less likely to lay eggs if there are no young leaves. If there are signs of feeding damage, it is advisable to prune the young leaves as much as possible.

この芋虫の被害をできるだけ予防するには、若葉をこまめに剪定することです. 成虫は若葉に好んで産卵しますので、若葉がないと産卵はあまり見られません. 食害の兆候が見られたら、若葉をできるだけ剪定するのがよいと思います. 

Befor pruning young leaves 剪定前

After pruning 剪定後

In addition to this, a biological method of control is possible. This method uses bacteria that are harmful only to certain types of caterpillars, rather than insecticides, and has long been used in agriculture as well as horticulture. It is available commercially in powder form, dissolved in water and sprayed. When the caterpillars eat it, their digestive system is disturbed and they can be destroyed. 

それに加えて、生物学的な方法での駆除が可能です. 殺虫剤ではなく、ある種の芋虫だけに有害な細菌を使用する方法で、古くから園芸だけでなく農業でも使われてきた方法です. 粉末状のものが市販されているので、水で溶いて散布します. 虫がこれを食べると消化器が障害されて、駆除できます. 


It is important to spot the signs of infestation early, as severe feeding damage can leave hedgerows in a dismal state. 


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