The Allium triquetrum blooms together in April next to the bluebells in the bluebell garden. The flowers are slender and bell-shaped, and the two are very similar. This allium has the scent of leeks. The petals have a thin green line, which is fashionable. Caution is needed as it spreads by seed.
The bluebells will be in flower in a couple of weeks. For a short time, this is the most glorious time of the year in the bluebell garden.
ブルーベルの庭でブルーベルの横で四月に一緒に咲くのがミツカドネギです. 花の形はうつむいた細長い釣り鐘形で、両者はよく似ています. ミツカドネギはネギの香りがします. 花弁に細い緑のラインが入っているのがオシャレです. 種で広がるので注意は必要です.
あと二週間ほどでブルーベルが咲きます. ほんの短い期間ですが、ブルーベルの庭の一年で一番輝く時です.