Wisteria is a fascinating plant with beautiful flowers in late April. In Japan, they are usually planted on wisteria trellises, but on a trip to the UK I saw them planted on walls. So, a few years ago, I planted a potted Japanese wisteria in the ground and trained it to the top of a brick wall. And this year it bloomed beautifully.
However, it was very vigorous and grew in all directions, making it very difficult to manage, especially when pruning the high branches, which can be dangerous, so we decided to remove the wisteria over the brick wall and train it behind the brick wall for our own sustainability.
It took a whole day in very hot weather to remove the wisteria. The rebar that was used as a scaffold for the training will be removed in the near future.
フジは四月の下旬に美しい花を咲かせる魅力的な植物です. 日本では藤棚に仕立てるのが一般的ですが、イギリス旅行では壁面への誘引を目にしました. それで、数年前に鉢植えで楽しんでいたフジを地植えにしてレンガ塀の上の方に誘引したのです. そして今年とても美しく咲いてくれました.
とても暑い中、一日がかりで撤去しました. 誘引の足場として利用していた鉄筋も近いうちに撤去する予定にしています.
Before pruning wisteria over the brick wall レンガ塀の上の藤を切ってしまう前 |
After pruning 剪定のあと |
Wisteria left on the back of the brick wall レンガ塀の裏側に残した藤の枝 |