Last November, I harvested rose hips of Rosa 'Constance Spry' and 'Gertrude Jekyll' at the brick wall of our main garden, and took out seeds. I measured the specific gravity of them throwing in water, and most of the seeds went to the bottom. I sowed them in seed-starting containers on 3 November 2014.
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Left two hips from 'Constance Spry' and right one from 'Gertrude Jekyll' |
Rose hips of 'Constance Spry' contained only a few seeds, and more seeds in 'Gertrude Jekyll' |
Most of seeds in water had sunk to the bottom. |
Seeds ware planted in small pots. |
Some of seeds have germinated last month, and now the first true leaves appeared after the seed leaves (cotyledons). It is said that they will bloom by the time the new rose seedlings are 6 to 8 inches tall. Exceptions will be roses that had climbing roses as parents, as these may need to get a foot or more tall before they will bloom the first time. Because parents of our seedlings are climbing roses, I must be patient for a bit long time to look at their flowers.
I've never tried growing roses from seed. I await the results with fascination.