Ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium), which bears white flowers at the tips in summer, is a little overgrown and prone to collapse in the wind and rain. However, the pure white petals and the strong fragrance they produce are very attractive.
At the moment it is mainly planted under a wild cherry tree, which means that it gets a little less sun and therefore fewer flowers. When cut and displayed in a room, they fill the room with their sweet fragrance.
The colour of the flowers is a little blue, because the photo was taken in the evening.
夏に真っ白な花を先端につけるジンジャーリリー(ハナシュクシャ)は、少し草丈が大きくなりすぎて、雨風で倒れやすいのが欠点です. しかし、その純白の花びらと、そこから発する強い芳香はとても魅力的です.
今は主に山桜の木の下に植えているので、少し日照不足気味で、花数が少ないようです. 切り花にして部屋に飾ると、部屋が甘い香りで満たされます.